Sunday, August 1, 2010

Third Time is the Charm

Well, af (aunt flo) should be here any day now. I can feel her knocking on my uterus. I've never been more excited for her to get here...well, yes, there were 2 other times in the recent past. Once was last September & the other time was this past January. I will never forget the events that followed once af showed up those 2 months. Hopefully, this month will be even more memorable, but in a way that will allow me to create even more memories....good ones, that is.

You see, once af shows her ugly face, I will be embarking on my 3rd journey of baby-making. For many, that is a time of endless fun, but for some like me, it is a time of needle sticking, getting up early for sns's (this is what we call a "shake & stir"- a fun-filled appointment at the re's (reproductive endocrinologist) office where you get probed with a huge wand to measure your follies (follicles that contain eggs) on your ovaries, which are the size of melons from all the stims for about a week & a half (stimulating medications that are injected into the stomach)- oh yeah, these are done pretty much every other day during that week & a half & also includes b/w (bloodwork)- nothing like getting poked even more, being bloated from the enormous ovaries, getting black & blue marks from the injections & looking like a heroin junkie, being the biggest BEATCH to your dh (dear husband)....should I keep going?

The truth is I'm not complaining, as much as it seems like I am. I would do this & so much more because the end result is more than worth this. Holding a healthy, beautiful baby in my arms is something that I will never stop longing for & will never give up to have. So, as I anxiously start this joruney (again), I will use this place as an oulet for my thoughts & feelings &, hopefully, to share with as many people as possible.

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