Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Let's Get This Party Started!!! got here this morning! I called the clinic & set up my baseline appointment for tomorrow...can't wait for that fun blood draw & the transvaginal u/s as af is making her visit. I was actually excited when I made the appointment...excited for being poked & prodded. Hmm...I wonder which re will be checking my ovaries out tomorrow. You see it's not always your actual re, as sometimes they're off or they're in a procedure or whatever. So you can go through an ivf procedure during which EVERYONE in the clinic has inspected your v-jay-jay...haha, the joys of fertility treatment! There are even times when women get knocked up w/ their dh's not being's that!!!

Anyways, I'm ready to get this show on the road. Oh wait...after the appointment I get to stick myself (well, dh will do it) in the belly & pray that my ovaries get huge with numerous eggs & and feel like I'm going to explode.

I know I'm being sarcastic, but honestly...I'm scared, excited, nervous, stressed...I can keep going & going. But overall, I want to be as optimistic as possible...pma, pma, pma! (Positive Mental Attitude!)

1 comment:

  1. Ester, your so funny. I like thaat I can read what your going through since I can't be there. I am glad you got your monthly friend and you can get the show on the road. I know, the fun doesnt begin just yet but my fingers are crossed that you will have a healthy and ready you can make that baby.
